The Adventure of a lifetime


AGES 14 - 18 (Opening 2026 - 2027)

Would you prefer a conventional high school or the adventure of a lifetime? Lauchpad (high school) is where learners prepare for their next great adventure, whether the next step is a selective college, launching their own business or a first job at SpaceX or Google. Extraordinary young leaders spend time doing something they love to do; inspired by world class coaches and experts; having fun with friends as they create lifelong memories.

Acton Studios provide a modern approach to education for your childs journey.

What is your next great adventure? Prepare for Launch

Prepare for the real world through challenging apprenticeships, interviews with industry leaders, and deep reflection of how your gifts and passions align with a need in the world. Read deep literature; communicate clearly and powerfully; and tackle real world computational challenges. Wrestle with timeless moral dilemmas through Socratic discussions in Civilization and through studio governance. Dive deeply into college level biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, finance and psychology through immersive quests and public exhibitions. Serve in leadership roles in lower studios, the community, and around the world in the Acton Network.


Real world

Embark on challenging apprenticeships and cultivate industry mentors


Find a calling

Reflect on how your gifts and passions align with a need in the real world


Develop as a leader

Serve in leadership roles in lower studios and in the global Acton network


Engage Deeply

Read deep literature, communicate powerfully and clearly, wrestle with timeless moral dilemmas and studio governance

Acton Academy Madison West, is a community of learning where children from Blackhawk, Fitchburg, Middleton, Shorewood and more get a modern educational developement.
Children from Blackhawk, Fitchburg, Middleton, Sherwood and other areas being taught educational goals by Acton Academy Madison West.
Learning at Acton

What's your next step?

Discover the next step in your Hero’s Journey and launch into your next great adventure with a vision and a calling that could change the world
  • Showcase your accomplishments through a series of badges that will dazzle admissions officers
  • gain valuable skills, mastering them through apprenticeships, and launching real startups, businesses and projects – whether that’s in business, science, humanities, or the arts
  • Reach out to leaders in your field of interest and cultivate mentors and advisors
Learning at Acton

A day in the life in Launchpad

  • Core skills - Mastering Reading, Writing, Math, and Civilization using computer simulations and Socratic Discussions
  • Quests: Competing and collaborating in a game-like series of real world projects to learn 21st Century Skills
  • Apprenticeships: Experimenting with entrepreneurs, scientists and community leaders to hone your most precious gifts and talents until you find your calling in life.
  • Mentors: Surround yourself with world-class entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, and heroes in the field you're passionate about
Nurturing a philosophy of learning in Madison West, Blackhaw, Fitchburg, Middleton & Shorewood.
Our Philosophy of Learning

Clear thinking leads to good decisions. Good decisions lead to the right habits. The right habits lead to character and Character becomes destiny.

Acton Academy badges to help your childs journey in their education with Madison West Acton Academy.
Measuring Mastery

Rethink High School

​Your accomplishments will be showcased in a series of badges that will dazzle admissions officers at top notch universities or convince employees, partners and investors to join forces in a world changing start up.
  • Read deep literature, communicate clearly and powerfully, and tackle real world computational challenges

  • Wrestle with timeless moral dilemmas through Socratic discussions in Civilization and through studio governance

  • Dive deeply into college level biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, finance and psychology through immersive quests and public exhibitions

A School for the 21st Century

Latest News, videos & updates from Acton Academy

Spark Studio, Year 3, Session 1, Week 2

What a wonderful week in Spark! This week, we began our “Montessori Mornings.” Each hero earned badges by demonstrating mastery in rolling a rug and walking around a rug. They were excited to place their first badges on the Spark badge wall! In addition, two heroes earned “Bravery” badges for trying new, challenging things. One Read more…

Discovery Studio – Year 3, Session 1, Week 2

The Discovery Studio was filled with creativity, teamwork, and celebrations as our heroes took on a variety of exciting challenges and activities this week. We launched the hero board challenge this week. The heroes dove into the researching phase of gathering elements, reflecting on their hero’s journey, and refining their ideas to ensure their boards Read more…

Spark Studio, Year 3, Session 1, Week 1

This year’s question of the year is “What motivates a hero?” and we will explore this question throughout the year. The entire school started this process during our annual school year kick-off “Welcome Party” where each hero – and their parents parents – shared with the group one new thing they tried or learned this Read more…