The Discovery heroes continued with their marine science quest this week! First, they examined a couple of real fish specimens. The heroes were fascinated by their scales and eyes. The next day, they explored marine food webs. Some were surprised to learn that humans are at the top of the marine food web, and explored the question of humans’ responsibility to be stewards of water life by virtue of their position in the food web. As part of this examination, the heroes dissected predators’ “stomachs” and needed to determine what animal it belonged to based on the contents.
The heroes capped off the week with research to answer questions such as “how many marine animals are there?” and “do turtles rely on coral reefs?” They are creating detailed poster boards to answer these questions which they will unveil at the exhibition.
We’re seeing the children come together as a strong community during Town Halls. This week they brought up issues and brainstormed solutions for bringing sports equipment inside from outdoor time, sharing paper supplies across studios, and creating a system for where to go during outdoor time. Town Hall is such an important way for heroes to be in charge of their community in a constructive way!