Discovery Studio, Year 2, Session 7, Week 36

It was a fun and wonderful week in the Discovery Studio.

On Monday, the Discovery heroes began planning their upcoming camping trip. They brainstormed and listed the various skills they would like to demonstrate to families for the exhibition portion, and even included some challenges for their parents, ranging from setting up tents to building campfires. In addition, the heroes enthusiastically discussed the meals they wanted to prepare and enjoy during the trip. They considered a variety of camping-friendly recipes, including s’mores, and campfire-cooked breakfasts. The heroes took into account dietary preferences, ensuring Acton families can have delicious and satisfying meals.

During Civilization, Discovery heroes learned about the story of Jacques Cartier, the French explorer who made contributions to the exploration of North America. They learned how Cartier’s voyages in the 16th century led to the mapping of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Saint Lawrence River, which eventually paved the way for French claims to Canada. The heroes learned Cartier’s motivations for exploration, including the quest for precious metals and a northwest passage to Asia.

During core skills, Discovery heroes set new goals for themselves to achieve next year. In addition, the heroes are enjoying sharing their studio space with the Spark heroes during core skills. Discovery heroes had a lot of fun exploring Montessori materials this week, and serving as servant leaders to the Spark heroes by providing lessons in some of the practical life skills. Meanwhile, the Montessori math materials help Discovery heroes bridge the gap between concrete and abstract math concepts.

We’re thrilled to see what new adventures await us next week!

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