Discovery Studio, Year 2, Session 6, Week 26

The Discovery heroes had a wonderful week following the weekend’s Acton Children’s business Fair!

They kicked off with the second week of ‘Debate a Game’ communication challenge. They learned about several types of logical fallacies. Each of hero created their own logical fallacy card. By using real-life examples to illustrate each fallacy and accompany them with drawings, the Discovery heroes not only solidified their understanding but also showcased their creativity in a unique way. As their guide, witnessing their creativity has been truly inspiring.

On Friday, the learners also engaged in their first mock debate. Each Discovery hero provided intriguing and persuasive arguments on why the game he or she chose is the best in the world, and why that game is better than his or her debate opponents’ game. The Discovery heroes truly put in outstanding work effort into these challenges!

Meanwhile, the community garden quest added more hands-on experience to their learning journey. With the tender care of the Discovery heroes, the seeds they planted began to sprout, symbolizing not only growth in the garden but also the personal growth and nurturing care they demonstrated. They have been extremely responsible for taking care of these plants by observing the small changes and diligently watering the plants.

The Discovery heroes also completed the plant capillary action challenge, in which they set up their own experiments by putting white carnations and daisies into half cup of water with food coloring. They used the scientific method by making hypotheses in the experiment, recording the observations and eventually drawing conclusions. After 72 hours of patiently waiting, the flowers turned colors! The children loved how their flowers turned out to be! They were even thinking about drying the flowers after to better preserve the beauty.  

In civilization, the heroes learned about ‘Ivan the Great and Ivan the Terrible’. The Socratic discussions definitely got them to think more deeply about morals. They expanded their knowledge through research. They found out about the current president in Russia,  how long he has been in power, and the three most populated cities other than Moscow. The weekly civilization research challenges have helped the heroes deepen their understanding of history while equipping them with critical thinking skills.

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