The sun and heat have brought with them a lot of energy at school! Also a lot of enthusiasm.
It was a short week with the holiday, so here are a few things to note:
Core Skills:
We are noticing the children work best when they have a core skills schedule. The Guide will meet with each hero next week to map out their S.M.A.R.T. goals for the last session of the year. Some of them are close to earning badges in either math, reading, or spelling and grammar!
This session’s quest is Newton’s Physics of Toys. This week the heroes built gravity-powered cars using household items and had a distance contest. They weighted the cars with play-doh and pennies to explore the concept of momentum. Next week, they will incorporate propulsion and compete on both distance and accuracy. It was a lot of fun!
Writer’s Workshop:
This week the heroes started on their “Pitch a Field Trip” writer’s workshop. On Tuesday they each brainstormed three ideas. Thursday they are researching their favorite idea. Over the next few weeks, they will develop their pitch and then pitch the group to vote on the leading idea. Then we will take that field trip on July 7. Ask your child what their favorite field trip idea is!
Learning to Be Badge:
The heroes are working each week towards their Katherine Johnson Badge of Gratitude by writing and delivering positive character callouts to their friends, and writing a letter of thanks to a fellow traveler. Even after they earn their badges, we will continue to do character callouts as we learn to appreciate and support our friends. We’ve noticed a huge shift in attitude towards character callouts. At first, the heroes weren’t interested in doing them. Now that we’ve had a couple of Fridays were we give and receive positive feedback from each other, they are enjoying them much more. There is a big positive shift in energy when we read and share our callouts!
Art / Music:
This session we are exploring the art of music! Christa Kowert is leading music this session. She is Director of Music at a Madison Lutheran Church. She also works frequently with children through private piano lessons and group music classes. She has experience with Montessori music. As a side note, her son, Paul Kowert, recently won a Grammy for “Best Folk Album,” Christa was his earliest teacher.
Phys Ed:
Last session the children finished off their individual goals including soccer goals, tree-climbing, running endurance and yoga inversions. This session, Kathryn plans to focus on specific skill-building and giving the heroes the group challenge of inventing a new game together. Our focus is all about collaboration, having fun, moving their bodies and exposure to fundamental skills so they would feel confident in games.