Next Week is Exhibition Week! – the heroes are planning diligently for their upcoming exhibition. The heroes are very excited to invite parents to the studio and share their work with them!
What They Worked on This Week – we don’t want to steal the heroes’ thunder before the exhibition, so this will be a brief update. This week they worked on writing odes as they continued their poetry exploration. Odes to sneakers, Odes to video games, Odes to skiing…..very fun and very creative!
Heroes are also finishing up their hero boards! The heroes were very psyched about using their computers for this. They printed graphics and word labels. This coming week they will be more hands-on decorating the rest of their boards.
Journaling and core skills continued. This week, writing was worth more points than computer core skills, so we saw quite a few heroes attacking those journals! They are definitely getting into the rhythm of studio life.
Self-Governance – during this week’s Town Hall, the heroes addressed the issue of bringing toys and stuffed animals from home into the studio. These can be distracting, so they devised a system for addressing this. Ask them what they came up with! They were both warm-hearted and tough-minded about the issue.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the exhibition!