You know how so many children come home from school, frustrated, mad, tired and / or exhausted. They don’t want to go to school. They don’t like math or reading.
At Acton Academy Madison West, we solve this problem by creating an environment that fosters responsibility, rigor, and JOY. One of our promises to families is that your child will learn to be a curious, independent, lifelong learner. How do we do this? We make learning FUN and EFFECTIVE so that children want to be at school, want to be a part of a community of learners, and want to learn.
Not possible you say? Scientists disagree. According to and Early Years, a significant number of children ages 3 to 9 improved their math skills when board games were integrated with their studies. Yet, according to the authors, schools rarely provide children the opportunity to play these games.
This is one of the many ways that Acton Academy Madison West is different from conventional school. We regularly hold game time on Fridays, specifically for board games. The heroes at our school deeply enjoy this time.
We integrate other challenging games throughout the school day, every day. Whether it’s a friendly physics contest to see who can build the most accurate balloon-powered car in the makerspace, learning spelling and grammar on a gamified platform, or challenging the group to develop a collaborative game that all can enjoy in Phys Ed, Acton learners have a blast while reaching their full potential.
Acton is all about taking on challenges, sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing, and learning to love learning all the way.