Discovery Studio, Year 2, Session 7, Week 35

The Discovery heroes had a super fun week!

For the Survivor Quest, Discovery heroes drafted their own identity map to describe themselves. These identity maps showcase their heroes’ journeys and aspirations. After delving into their personal stories, they shifted gears to focus on practical survival skills, starting with first aid. Understanding that safety and preparedness are crucial in survival situations, and the heroes paired up to practice essential first aid methods. This activity was not just about learning techniques—it was also about building trust and cooperation among team members. On Thursday, the heroes learned about potential dangers in nature while camping and how to respond in case of emergency. 

In the communication challenges, Discovery heroes continued to draft their stories, showcasing remarkable enthusiasm and creativity. One of our fellow heroes even left a cliffhanger for the readers to eagerly wonder what happens next in his story…..!

For research this week, Discovery heroes focused planning for the upcoming school camping trip. They explored the park’s features, including its diverse wildlife and beautiful trails. Excitement grew as they imagined their upcoming adventure amidst the park’s natural beauty. Additionally, each hero planned to lead an outdoor activity for Acton families to enjoy during the camping trip.

On Friday, the heroes held a badge ceremony to mark one of our newly joined discovery heroes’ accomplishments. Badge ceremonies are a heartwarming and motivating experience, leaving every hero feeling inspired and ready to tackle new challenges in the weeks to come.

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Spark Studio, Year 3, Session 1, Week 2

What a wonderful week in Spark! This week, we began our “Montessori Mornings.” Each hero earned badges by demonstrating mastery in rolling a rug and walking around a rug. They were excited to place their first badges on the Spark badge wall! In addition, two heroes earned “Bravery” badges for trying new, challenging things. One Read more…

Discovery Studio – Year 3, Session 1, Week 2

The Discovery Studio was filled with creativity, teamwork, and celebrations as our heroes took on a variety of exciting challenges and activities this week. We launched the hero board challenge this week. The heroes dove into the researching phase of gathering elements, reflecting on their hero’s journey, and refining their ideas to ensure their boards Read more…

Spark Studio, Year 3, Session 1, Week 1

This year’s question of the year is “What motivates a hero?” and we will explore this question throughout the year. The entire school started this process during our annual school year kick-off “Welcome Party” where each hero – and their parents parents – shared with the group one new thing they tried or learned this Read more…