Three Acton Practices That Can Bring Your Family Closer This Holiday

One of our promises to families who attend Acton Academy Madison West is that we won’t come between parents and their children. This includes family time. We offer flexibility for family travel and we don’t assign homework that can creep into home life.

As the hustle of holidays is upon us, how can families maintain this cherished time together? Here are three Acton practices that can help:

Be Together – Acton schools have a strong culture of reading. We set aside time everyday to “drop everything and read” in a cozy, comfortable spot. Families who commit to reading aloud together at home, share more intimacy. You care together about the characters and what will happen next. You may be sad when a story ends, and look forward together to the next one. Give a book to your whole family this holiday to read together. This is one of our favorite lists to inspire you.

Be Intentional – at Acton, each family develops a plan, inspired by the book The Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family. Together, parents and children write a mission statement, a set of values, and a rallying cry – or goal – they are all excited about. Maybe it’s a challenge to consistently have family dinners, or spend more time outdoors. Whatever it is, it’s meaningful to every family member and ensures that time a family spends together is purposeful.

Be Curious – it’s easy to take each other for granted. At Acton, we create rituals where we get curious about our friends and their journeys. One of our favorite tools are conversation cards full of interesting and thought-provoking prompts. Oh, and they make a great holiday gift!

Curious about Acton Academy Madison West? Schedule an intro call or request a copy of Courage to Grow by emailing

A School for the 21st Century

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